K5QHD - Garland Amateur Radio Club - Pancakes With Santa - 2012


Pancakes With Santa - Photographs - John and Kathy Abbott

  • 01. Serving Area
    01. Serving Area (Click on picture to view)

  • 02. Serving Area
    02. Serving Area (Click on picture to view)

  • 03. Serving Area
    03. Serving Area (Click on picture to view)

  • 04. Dining Area
    04. Dining Area (Click on picture to view)

Pancakes With Santa - Photographs - John and Kathy Abbott

  • 05. Santa and Misses Claus
    05. Santa and Misses Claus (Click on picture to view)

  • 06. Volunteers
    06. Volunteers (Click on picture to view)

  • 07. Eric, Ralph, John
    07. Eric, Ralph, John (Click on picture to view)

  • 08. Ms. Garland, Senior, 2010
    08. Ms. Garland, Senior, 2010 (Click on picture to view)

Pancakes With Santa - Photographs - John and Kathy Abbott

  • 09. Crafts
    09. Crafts (Click on picture to view)

  • Cooks
    10. Cooks (Click on picture to view)

  • 11. John and Bob eating pancakes
    11. John and Bob eating pancakes (Click on picture to view)

  • 12. Waiting at the ECC
    12. Waiting at the ECC (Click on picture to view)

Email to: atd@ix.netcom.com


John M. Abbott

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Changes last made on: Fri Mar 4, 11:00:00 2016